Monday, March 5, 2012

No Vacancy

   Damn my mother and her natural compassion! To other people she is the worlds sweetest woman. To me she is a rude, crude, double standard holding, (for lack of a better word) bitch. She likes to take in strays. At the moment I am sleeping in her bed, if you can call laying there trying not to fall off sleeping. My mom's friend is sleeping on the couch, my Grandparents are in my bed, and my sister is on the futon. So sorry if you wanted to stay over, we are full! My bed is the moost comfortable bed in the house so you can see why I'm angry. I can't wake up with out worring that I am going to wake someone up. I can't play my xbox, or my music loud, because "They're inapropriate." or "My head hurts.". I just want to come home to peace and quiet. not some old fat couple sitting on my couch, or some pissy blonde on my case about everything. Things just need to go back to the way they were. AND MY SPELL CHECK ISN"T WORKING!!! :P

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