Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Axiom

 Like my friend Violet I also had to write an axiom. Mine wasn't as accepted by our teacher as hers was. I used the assignment its self as inspiration. "Don't live by the words you read. Live by the words you write,". So my teacher says "Why read and write? What about the people that don't read and write?". He then told me to use other words meaning take in and deliver. So I changed it. He rejected that too. "That's not what I said," he told me. Then on my original he wrote the words 'consume' and 'produce' over read and write. Finally I thought to my self. Is Mr. Bassillious illiterate? If so how the hell did he become an English G.A.T.E teacher? I started freaking out I felt like crying, and as you know dear readers I DON'T LIKE TO CRY! I started hyperventilating. I'm extremely OCD. If I chose the words the serve a purpose. They are there because they make sense. I don't like using ugly words like 'consume' and 'produce' out side of were they belong, SCIENCE CLASS. The rest of my day fell apart under my feet because of that damn assignment. My words were pretty, clean, and ten times more original than 'consume' and 'produce'. IF YOUR ILLITERATE YOU WOULDN'T BE IN A G.A.T.E ENGLISH CLASS ANYWAY! NOT TO MENTION YOU CERTAINLY WOULDN'T KNOW HOW TO READ AN AXIOM.
a self-evident truth that requires no proof.
a universally accepted principle or rule.
Logic, Mathematics . a proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying the consequences that follow from it.

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