Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Manic Depression Station

I hurt right now. No I didn't fall or cut myself. I'm struggling with the same hurt I always have. My heart hurts. I'm killing my soul slowly. I need to let him go, but I can't. He's klling me. I mean I expect him to move on but not as fast as he did. The day after he left me he asked out my two best friends. They said no of course, because they are my friends. He's a douche. He has a girlfriend now I honestly feel like shit.
My day is bad just because that's the schedual of the crazy Weregirl is Crazy as a Mother Fucker Train out of Manic Depression station. I really can't blame my ex for a chemical inbalance in my brain (no matter how much I'd like to). Ask my friends if I'm normally this depressed. There answer will be yes. So today I just need to chill. CHILL!

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