Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Not So Stupid Life

 I met a boy. Okay, not just any boy, THE boy.  He is for a lack of fitting words Adorkable. He even asked before he kissed me. I had the best time! This boy is so sweet, he couldn't keep his eyes or lips for that matter off of me. SCORE. The movie was amazing. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol was great. If there was a Win scale there were 235 wins in general. I counted. He thought it was HILRIOUS. So I'm bragging about my date. Sorry, but  it was my first date, sue me.  we have a song now. We ended up making out to My Immortal by Evenesence, so now our song. He doesn't believe he's perfect, but he is. At one point at the end I said "I see the perfect person infront of me." He looked around and kept asking where but then I kissed him and said " don't you know what right in front of me means?". So yeah thats how  that ended up.  Come back or don't honestly I don't care. Bye ya'll.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I have come to terms with a new tradition of mine. It seems that I only write on this blog when I'm in the schools computer lab. Does that add procrastinator to my list of words describing my self. Does this mean that said list is now pessimistic, precocious, narcissistic procrastinator? That title is a lot for one to say let alone digest. Any way, I am allowing myself to fall in to a destructive pattern that i do not intend on correcting. I will never go so far as to say that I'm the Charlie Sheen of the literary world, but I am a warlock from Mars. I am a total fricken rock star with tiger's blood in my veins. We love you, Charlie.  Yet again I find myself falling from my topic. This new tradition is one I chose to share with you, because of course I am in the computer lab typing on my narrcissistic blog. If you have any comments write them below so I can personally tell you to BITE ME.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


 This life I lead gets better sometimes. Sometimes I see a glimmer of light, then it's ripped away. thats all I have to say, all I have to say TODAY.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Guess where I am??

I found out who my friends are. I had two friends I trusted and told almost everything. Today after a seminar that brought up some crap that I  tried so hard to suppress. No one actually came up to me to ask if I was okay, except one person. The two girls I thought were my friends I had to tell I was depressed. I even had to tell my friends that I've had since kindergarten that I was upset. I won't even get into details about what the hell kind of bad things I've had happen to me in my 15 years on Earth. That one person I know and even think of as a friend that asked if I was alright was Jordan. This is the only time I will ever mention a name on my blog. So now I know who I can trust.

Oh and I'm at the computer lab!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


AGAIN I'm in the computer lab, but this time I'm sopposed to be doing research on rocks! ENTERTAINING RIGHT??!!! Ya I didn't think so either. LOL

Friday, September 23, 2011


Right now I'm supposed to be doing research on a volcano that I honestly don't care about.  Because of this I am terribly bored! I have a crush on a 17 year old and no one reads my blog! I've learned that nothing ever really ends well for me. I than began helping a girl A LOT like me out of the same rut that I'm still stuck in. Well to my nonexistant readers, what would you do if you were me?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Visibility potion

 Blood blood on the wall. This sucks balls. Screw it all. I'm not the kind of girl who falls hard for someone she doesn't know anything about, but yet here I am. I'm head over heels with some assy football player. Okay so he the nicest or the most censored person around, but this boy is SMEXY. He isn't one of those stupid football players, I mean he's in my College Prep English class. I'm pretty much invisible. He doesn't ignore me in English, he does however  keep asking me this really stupid question. I gave him a dollar to quit. Maybe I should go to the next game. Show my team spirit, and have a reason to watch him run around the field in football pants. I hope he isn't reading this laughing his ass off at my weak attempt at venting. If I go to the next game at least I'll have a reason to talk to him.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


No one cares what I have to say. I would scream if I thought it would make a difference. Having been bullied out of existence in grade school I have come to believe what they said about me. I wish I was as tough as I've always considered myself. No guy will ever fawn over a girl like me. I'm that girl in the shadows listening to Last Resort by Papa Roach yelling at the people with the slits on their wrists. Then after that I dress like... well not how you would expect. Then I talk big game and deal with other people's drama and not giving enough light to mine. I'm the girl you push around, and guys befriend without any possibility of spark of romance, because they all end up wanting to date my best friend. SO YAY ME! MY LIFE SUCKS MONKEY BALLS!!;

Friday, July 1, 2011

Why Try?

No matter what I do she always gets the guy. They don't seem to care who has the brains. They only care who has the boobs. Every guy I like always likes her. She doesn't control it. I guess she can't, and if I told her she'd sympathize. But she will never know what its like to have your best friend unwittingly steal your crush. Brain doesn't matter in this desperate fight between she and I. :'(

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I can't stand my mother! She wasn't in the room  twenty minutes  before my mood drastically declined.  Just when she walks into the room my irritation level escalates to the highest level, Middle finger level.  I'm always expected to do stuff without being asked, and it bugs! Never can I be trusted. Nope to simple. She assumes I'm going to end up like my sister.  I saw what that air head did to our family. My mom treats me like a kid. She doesn't believe I have any writing talent. I would kill for me to not have to ask her to ask about my day. I know I'm "lucky" in some way because some people don't have or never knew their parents. I just can't stand having everyone think we're one happy go lucky, perfect family. Somebody tell me why I have to put up with a mom like this!! Any one out there with a mom or a dad like mine tell me what to do please.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'm not in the mood to put up with people today. Everyone has some thing crappy to say about me. My mom doesn't like my writing, which I am most proud of, and she's never read my work. I've gotten to the point were she can bite me. I'm just sick of it all. I'm going to end up putting up with it though I guess. I'm really more of a say'er than a do'er. So I get to deal with my issues cause no one else will do it for me. Ya any suggestions for  putting up with my mom??

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome to my Isolated Hell

  So you started reading! Keep reading at your own risk. These are not my Cute stories about death! These are my actual feelings. So if you are weak of heart dont keep reading about my living Hell!! I don't want anyone telling me crap at school or at home. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY COMMENT ON IT. IF YOU DON'T YOU CAN'T SAY CRAP! SO STOP READING OR COMMENT ON THE POSTS YOU HAVE SOMETHING DERROGATORY OR ENCOURAGING TO SAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!