Wednesday, January 11, 2012


  No matter how bad my life gets music helps. The right song can do anything! Im listening to Austin by Blake Shelton and it gives me hope for my life (I honestly don't know why). Now it's Kiss My Country Ass, again Blake Shelton. not even a CD just a happy coincedence that they are both the same guy. It doesn't matter what song it is I have a response to it. Usually a different response then most people do to the same song. William Congreve is noted for saying " Music has charms to sooth a savage beast, soften rocks,or bend a knotted oak". I find a brand new world of music in the world we have around us. Spare me the whole "everyone says that" crap because I don't care. Nit-pickers bug me therefore I bug me. Ha I just realized this.I JUST REALIZED I BUG MYSELF!! The things you learn right.

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