Friday, January 20, 2012


  The not so elusive house guest monster is here. I hate it when some thing happens and you let someone crash on your couch then in the morning when they are supposed to leave, they don't. Do I really have a say in the matter? No, because if I kick out said house guest they will cry to my mom who will inevitably call me bitchy and rude then allow them full access to my home. If I was older my mother wouldn't have a say in the matter of who I let in my home, but I'm only 15, so no choice for me. But there really is only one monster worse The Family House guest. This is bad. My grandmother is sleeping on the couch and my grandfather is in my bed. Now my grandfather doesn't shower, when I thought they were leaving I washed my sheets, so they wouldn't smell like old hippy. Of course, now they aren't leaving and I have to remake my bed to make them feel more comfortable. I HAVEN'T SLEPT IN MY BED FOR 3 DAYS!! I don't care if they're comfortable or not I just want my bed back!! It isn't bad enough that they practically live over here and my mother is trying to get me to move with them? If they do move I'm moving to my dad's. I can't handle my grandmother micromanaging or my grandfather not showering let alone neither of them doing anything to help around the house. I mean if you're going to stay here at least help out right. Well they don't and when they say that they're leaving tomorrow they better mean it!

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