Thursday, August 8, 2013

Build a Dream on

"Give me a kiss to build a dream on, and my imagination will feed my hungry heart"- Louis Armstrong.

Okay so I hope Benny didn't Cheapen the importance of this quote. I honestly love the song , for those of you who don't know which song that is it's A Kiss to Build a Dream on by Louis Armstrong. The imagery in this song is just so powerful for a lonely heart like me. I just came across this song on my John Barrowman station on Pandora, which I highly recommend making it's my new favorite station, it's full of amazing classic crooners like Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole, but Michael Buble is peppered in there to so don't worry. But I digress.  That quote is so very me, I have yet to have that special kiss, but I know one day I will and my heart will hunger no more. Every female wants that dream building kiss, but what this song made me realize is men want it too. Now note my word choice, I said 'MEN' not 'Boys' .  Men are mature mentally, Men can take care of themselves as well as others no matter how hard they have to work, Men put others before themselves, Men are respectful, chivalrous, Tough when they need to be and gentle when that certain some one needs them to be, or even rough when that certain someone needs them to be ;). Boys are everything not. Age doesn't make the title, you could be a 12 year old man or a 112 year old boy. I also said 'females' because unfortunately everybody with an X,X chromosome wants the same thing a fairy tale romance with that special prince, or princess (I don't judge. Well at least not the LGBT Lifestyle).  But again I digress, a good man wants someone to take care of, love, make them smile. Men want that fairy tale love too, men want that even when we're old and grey and I have to remind you of my name every ten minutes I'll still hold your hand because I love you kind of love. So ladies you remember that, find a man not a boy, find them and give them that kiss to build a dream on.

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