Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Shocking Disapointment of a Twilightless Teen Female

 I like Twilight.
  The storyline is rediculous, the concept is clichè, the changes made to the vampire phenotype is genuinly unacceptable, but never the less I like the films (I don't like the books reading them was murder and Stephanie Myer should be shamed). In actuallity I rather like the movies because they suck, no pun intended. The people in the movie don't seem to fit, like when you try to jam the wrong piece into a puzzle. Robert Pattinson was glad the movies were over. Even though I have all these problems with the saga I proudly own everyone of them. You guys remeber that I moved right? Well, during this progress I shoved the first three movies along with the last book of a COMPLETELY different series in a box, and sent it to storage without marking it. Now I can't find them and I'm pretty upset about it, and I can't figure out why.

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