Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Newest Ramblings

I often find myself saying, " When I get rich I'll do that,". I'm sure you're now wondering why that is such a big deal, am I wrong? Well, the truth is, it isn't really a big deal. I only bring it up because people with a lot of money generally get a way with more than those of us without. Take Lindsey Lohan, how many MAJOR crimes has she commited and not been properly punished for. I don't mean to pick on Lohan, because she honestly isn't the only one. Many wealthy or famous people get away with quite a bit more. Now, I'm not talking about myself commiting crimes major or minor, I'm just talking about things that would have me considered insane. I know many wealthy people are not the picture of mental stabillity, but still they aren't called insane by any one but those who truely see things as they are. There lies my reasons for waiting until I have money to do the things I want so badly to do. Rich people are never crazy they are merely eccentric

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