Monday, April 30, 2012


Okay so I was house sitting/ pet sitting this weekend. I did something stupid. Not stupid like your thinking no sex, drugs, or liquor. I do love to disappoint you my dear readers so I won't get into it. My stupidity left my heart racing and my mind on fire. I found my self breathless ,and my friends will tell you I am never breathless. I wasn't however speechless. I actually found my speech clear and concise. I never wavered I kept my cool until the end, at which point I called my dear friend who proceeded to 'improve' my feeling on the situation. I love her, but she isn't helpful. She insisted upon comparing my stupidity to hers (they are nothing alike... TRUST ME.) I am better now just thought I would give you a taste and then keep the bowl for my self. :P

Saturday, April 28, 2012


 Today I lay in wait. I woke up at dark thirty this morning for no damn reason so I waited until eleven. At which point I watched the legend of Korra because I am just that nerdy. Now I'm posting on my blog waiting for a text or a call or hell anything really. today I also realized that I must send out some crazy ass pheromone because I woke up with every animal in this house I'm staying at on or around my bed. So that was today,  so far.

Lazy Gull

 Steven. Steven! STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEN. Steven. (What?) Steven.(what) Steven!! (WHAT!) Eagel. - Ragenineteen's Lazy Gull Talks To His Friend (Youtube it)